Thursday 10 March 2016

PDF⋙ Teacher's Guide: Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True by Norman L. Geisler, Douglas E. Potter

Teacher's Guide: Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True by Norman L. Geisler, Douglas E. Potter

Teacher's Guide: Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True

Teacher's Guide: Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True by Norman L. Geisler, Douglas E. Potter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Many today are seeing the need and importance of teaching Christian apologetics in a variety of different settings. This is intended to help fulfill that need. Following Dr. Norman Geisler’s Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True, this Guide or curriculum is designed to help you prepare and teach Christian apologetics. This Guide contains what is required for instruction in a single resource to teach others successfully in apologetics. It is for the homeschool parent, Sunday school teacher, Christian school teacher, pastor, campus minister, leader in your church or anyone who wants to educate others in Christian apologetics. Dr. Norman Geisler developed the Twelve Points over many years of teaching and instruction at various levels and settings. They have proven to be an invaluable way to learn, communicate, teach and classify the steps of Christian apologetics in a systematic manner. The Twelve Points serve as domains of learning that are memorable, usable and practical. This Guide is intended to help any teacher educate students both young and old in Christian apologetics.

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Teacher's Guide: Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True by Norman L. Geisler, Douglas E. Potter EPub

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, not sure if you are still in operation seeing you last posted in 2016 ?
    Please let me know, I notice your download links do not work !
